Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Would someone please feed this child!

Peanut loves to explore and nothing is off limits to her (or so she thinks :o) Recently I discovered I didn't close the refrigerator door all the way, and so did Ava. Soon she was exploring all the shelves that she could reach until she found something interesting. Here is what unfolded... Hmmm, what's this?...
Can't quite figure out how to get into this bag...
How about if I dump it...
Ahhh yes, there we go. Yum!


Jessie said...

I am so glad Ava knows how to take care of herself. I wonder what her mother was doing at the time???? :)

Anonymous said...

Does Ava have one of those sleeping disorders where she gets up in the middle of the night and raids the fridge??? She looks half asleep or just enjoying her success in raiding the fridge! Soooo cute!
